In the depths of the Mayan jungle of Campeche lies Calakmul, probably the most important of all the cities of the classical period along with Tikal in Guatemala in this archaeological zone we can find structures of more than 46 meters high, temples of great importance for this culture , a large central square and a citadel where we can find a ball game, all this surrounded by the beautiful vegetation of the jungle that makes up the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, on this tour we will visit the Museum of Biodiversity, we will do an expedition in The jungle to appreciate nature and part of the biodiversity that inhabits the reserve, we will visit the Archaeological Zone of Calakmul and finally visit the Bat Volcano, where every day millions of these magnificent animals come out to feed.

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To get to Xpujil from the City of Campeche, you must take a bus heading to Escarcega or Chetumal and get off at Xpujil, from Palenque you must take a bus to Chetumal and get off at Xpujil or from Chetumal take a bus to La Ciudad de Escarcega and get off in Xpujil, there are several ADO routes and some other bus companies that carry out these tours every day ...







